7 Simple Gardening Tips for Beginners

M.Ahsan Anwar
4 min readDec 17, 2020


Want to build your own backyard garden? This is the right spot!

Humans adopted plantation about 12000 years ago and are still planting fruits, vegetables, flowers and shrubs at both commercial and domestic levels. It has become a fascinating hobby for some and a decent business for others.

Plants have several benefits beside providing yield, photosynthesis being the major advantage.

Everyone should have a backyard garden as it enhances its beauty and has proven to be beneficial for the society as a whole. “One Yard Task” is a popular trend for homeowners who are little backyards into mini gardens.

Gardening depends upon many important factors. If you are thinking to opt this fascinating hobby you must heed to these important factors.

  1. Select the ideal plant

Choosing the perfect plant for your garden can be difficult. Always select those plants that are easy to grow in your area which help you gather some experience on plants.

You can select a perfect plant for your land by knowing the “Plant Hardiness Zone”, which describes what plants will grow best in your area. Its very much ideal to put sun loving plants at sunny spots and heat tolerant plants in warm climate zones. In short managing your garden properly certainly requires some homework.

2. Choose the right site

Now it is very much important to determine the right place for plantation. Make sure the area has a proper sunlight as some plants do need proper sunlight for their refined growth.

Oscar Ortega (maintenance care manager at FormLA Landscaping says: “Some veggies and herbs need full sun, but leafy greens, dill and cilantro can make it with some shade.” Most plants need at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day for an all-round growth.

It is also better to plan your garden near a water source so you don’t have to carry water at a distance.

3. Examine the soil

Not every kind of soil is nutrient rich nor have the capability to foster every other plant. Before getting on with your plantation you should examine the soil on which you are planning to build your garden. It can either be tested in labs or with home-testing kits at home.

Things like pH of the soil should be measured. A pH of 6 to 7 is ideal for nurturing most of vegetables and fruits (except for melons and potatoes). Contents of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus should also be measured.

These measurements indicate what other supplements might be needed for the soil for instance what amount of mulch and fertilizer would be needed for better plant growth.

4.Start with easy plants

It is always better to start with those plants that require less care and effort, and are easy growing. Plants that suit your climate should be preferred.

Leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and carrots are rather easy and quick to grow in the spring season. Vigorous young plants are easy and quick to grow than seeds.

5. Add mulch

Mulch is a mixture of substances that facilitate better plant growth. It helps in retaining moisture in the soil by reducing the rate of evaporation from soil and also protects the plant against weed growth. Some common types of mulch are composted manure, shredded bark and grass clippings.

It is also very necessary to ensure the use of right mulch according to the zone you live in.

6. Water on schedule

It is a common misconception that you should keep your garden watered at all times which is certainly not true.

Every plant has its own level of thirst of water. Some plants do require a daily sprinkle, while others can survive for two days without a drop. However, it is mostly dependent on the climate factor of the area you are living in.

One common practice is to push your finger one inch deep in the soil if you feel moisture than there is no need to water it, but if it is dry one inch under the soil than it is probably time for a sprinkle.

7. Get your gardening gear

Gardening is not possible without proper equipment and tools otherwise you will be a total mess. For the beginners even the bare minimum is enough which includes a trowel, a garden fork, a spade, a shovel, gardening gloves and a water hose



M.Ahsan Anwar
M.Ahsan Anwar

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